Telegram Calls

There is also another section in our app: “Telegram Calls”.

Here you can see all newly called tokens by Telegram call channels on aggregate, sorted by most recent mentions.

If you click on a specific token OR if you click on “Trade token” after you received an alert, you see all relevant information you need to make a buy or sell decision.

The page shows you the following information:

  1. The token cashtag

  2. Snipe option -> Buy/Sell the token

  3. Price Charts for the last 7 days, 1 day, 12 hours, 1 hour (Please note that the pricing data is only picked up after the token was mentioned)

  4. Contract address + Chain of the token

  5. Security Information

  6. The amount of calls in the last time (up to the last 30 days) + the exact call channels

  7. The last calls of the token

If you want to see the original call, you can just click on the Telegram symbol on the right to be redirected.

Last updated